Resume/CV Alexander


Londoño Espejo

Systems Engineer

Colombia, Medellín




Systems Engineer



Information Systems Technologist



  • Java
  • Spring Boot
  • Spring
  • GIT
  • GitHub
  • DevOps with GitHub
  • Microservices
  • DevOps
  • Clean Architecture
  • Docker
  • Splunk
  • Grafana
  • New Relic
  • AWS
  • JavaScript
  • PHP
  • Angular
  • TypeScript
  • Azure
  • MySQL
  • PostgreSQL
  • MongoDB
  • Python Learning
  • Flutter Learning


  • English - Intermediate
  • Spanish - Native

About Me

Passionate about technology, code, and coffee.☕ As a seasoned Software Engineer and Informatics Technologist with over 11 years of experience, I have a proven track record of delivering innovative solutions to complex problems. I have developed strong teamwork and customer experience skills throughout my career, and I'm comfortable working with a proactive and dynamic approach. I am highly responsible, detail-oriented, and always eager to learn and expand my knowledge base. I have excellent project planning, management, and implementation skills, and I'm proficient in various programming languages and tools, including JAVA, Spring, Spring Boot, PHP, JavaScript, Angular, DevOps, and Docker. My current focus is Spring Boot and Microservices, where I leverage my skills to build efficient, scalable, and secure solutions. Additionally, I'm continuously learning and exploring new technologies such as Microservices, Python, and AWS..

Work Experience

Java Developer, Ssr Adv  | August 2021 - Current

Globant, Remote, Medellín/Colombia

• Help maintain the quality, organization, and automation of the entire application stack. Building Microservices with Spring Boot.

• Write clean, readable codes, and fix bugs

• Use and contribute to the Continuous Integration and Continuous Delivery process (CI/CD).

• Build and maintain new services with Java and Spring Boot, using best practices for Software architecture

• Project Disney Parks: Support the food and beverage area of mobile ordering at Disney Parks

• Project Disney Cruise Line and Project BetterMe4Glb by Globant: Working Spring Boot

• Environment, Tools, and Methodologies : Java 8,11, REST API, Microservices with (Spring Boot), Hystrix, Spring Config server, Log4j, Maven, Git, JUnit, Mockito, CD (continuous deployment), DevOps with Docker, Spring Cloud, Relational Database, API gateway pattern, Jenkins, Splunk, New Relic, AWS, Grafana, AppDynamics, Git, GitHub, Maven, Gradle, Jira, Scrum, MySQL, JPA, AWS, Confluence

Consult  | March 2021 - August 2021

Axity, Remote, Medellín/Colombia

• Project IGA (Identity Governance and Administration): Design, build and configure applications to meet business process and applications requirements

• Technologies: Java, Spring Boot, Spring, Junit, Mockito, Angular, JEST, AWS, Azure DevOps, SQL

Application Development Analyst  | October 2019 - February 2021

Accenture, Medellín/Colombia

• Design, build and configure applications to meet business process and applications requirements, using frameworks like Angular 7,8,9, Spring Boot and techonologies like Azure Devops, Aws.

Backlog Developer Analyst  | March 2021 - October 2021

Konecta Colombia, Medellín/Colombia

• Develop software solutions with Java with Spring framework, PHP with Laravel 5.8, Angular 8+

• Integrate information systems using REST FUL web services and REST APIs.

• Design, develop and document the requirements requested by the customer in the aforementioned technologies.

Junior Analyst Developer  | March 2017 - March 2019

Réditos Group, Medellín/Colombia

• Develop and support the implementations of client software requirements in order to ensure effective solutions, using Java, JavaScript as programming languages and Oracle Database Manager, also used technologies such as Android Studio for mobile application development..

Freelancer  | February 2017 - February 2019

Freelancer, Medellín/Colombia

• Custom software development with technologies and programming languages such as Java, PHP, JavaScript, Laravel, nodeJS, Angular, Spring Boot

Software Web Developer  | December 2016 - February 2017, Medellín/Colombia

• Develop software using JavaScript as programming language and framework Angular 2, Typescript

Back-End Developer  |  -

Secuencia 24 S.A.S, Medellín/Colombia

• Develop CMS (Content Management System) for the companys clients websites.

• Develop computer software assuming the role of designer and developer of the computational component, in agreement with the other members of a working group, using technologies such as PHP,HTML5, CSS3,Jquery, Ajax,Laravel,Yii,Bootstrap,AngularJS

• Develop the function of analyst and specifier of computer needs and solutions, as well as being ultimately responsible for the development, testing, implementation and user training of the generated systems.

• Evaluate, design, develop and coordinate information technology projects and intervene in the continuous improvement of product quality.


  • SI Architect Certification Program

    Mongo DB

  • B1_Intermediate

    English Services

  • Apache Kafka con Java, Spring framework y AWS


  • AWS Technical Essentials

    Amazon Web Services (AWS)

  • MicSI Associate Certification Program

    Mongo DB

  • MicroServices con Spring cloud . In process

  • Build Reactive MicroServices using Spring WebFlux/SpringBoot


  • Programación Reactiva con Spring Boot 2 y Spring WebFlux


  • Microservicios Spring Cloud Eureka & Angular Full-stack


  • Patrones de diseño de software y principios SOLID.


  • Principios SOLID y Clean Code


  • Spring Boot For Software Engineers


  • Docker for Java Developers


  • Microservices Designing Highly Scalable Systems


  • Docker for Java Developers


  • Microservicios con Spring Boot y Spring Cloud Netflix Eureka


  • Java Streams API Developer Guide


  • Business English: Easy English for Meetings


  • Rest Systems in Java


  • Quality code and refactoring


  • Secure Development Workshop


  • Diploma in Multiplatform Mobile Development with React Native


  • Development for Android mobile devices advanced level
